Is coffee unhealthy?

The day is over for you if you are not awakened by the sound of the coffee machine? The ideal day begins for me with the distinctive roasted aromas of the caffeine-rich bean?

Then you're in good company, because 80% of Germans are self-confessed coffee lovers. The main argument is the pleasure, then only the effect. But by the 3rd or 4th cup at the latest, you'll be asking yourself, "Is it really all that healthy anymore?"



Coffee invigorates

Actually everyone knows the invigorating effect of coffee. The caffeine stimulates and can temporarily drive away tiredness. Exhaustion becomes noticeable later - whether at work or during sports. Concentration and mood have also been shown to improve.


Coffee is healthy

In an independent evaluation of over 200 studies on coffee, British researchers have found that 3 - 4 cups of coffee actually have health benefits.

Roasted coffee is a complex mixture of over 1,000 bioactive potential therapeutic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances. In addition to the well-known caffeine, the small bean is full of other natural compounds that are often unexplored.


The research group found a total of 19 positive effects: from a lower risk of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's to a lower probability of developing cancer. Particularly surprising - the assumption that coffee increases blood pressure was refuted. According to the studies examined, coffee has no measurable effect on the level of blood pressure. 


Coffee deprives nutrients

If you are now smiling contentedly and highly motivated in the name of health in front of the coffee machine, you should also listen to the negative points. 

The caffeine stimulates the increased excretion of magnesium, potassium and calcium. At the same time, the tannins it contains inhibit the absorption of the trace elements iron and zinc. Therefore, it is advisable to keep a distance of 30 minutes from meals and ensure a good supply of these nutrients.


Coffee causes stress

Caffeine causes the body to release adrenaline. This stress hormone becomes normal in dangerous situations. Pulse and blood sugar levels rise and prepare for the perceived danger. The same purpose is served by an increase in alertness and wakefulness. Occasionally, the body can handle it very well. Permanent stress, however, is detrimental. For example, it reduces the body's defenses and increases inflammation. 


Coffee loses its effect

The longer you drink coffee, the more coffee you need to achieve the same effect. Over the years, a habituation effect occurs and many then reach for the coffee cup more and more often.



Is coffee healthy?

In a nutshell, coffee is neither good nor bad. It has positive and negative aspects. But there is nothing to be said against daily coffee, even if it is 2, 3 or 4 cups. In fact, you should question your consumption when the daily amounts become significantly higher or when your body sends you clear signals. Then it is advisable to take a break or limit the quantities. Incidentally, this also applies to many teas. Because as we know today, the teein contained is not only similar to caffeine, but identical.